Deconstructing Purity Culture
Deconstructing purity culture, for me, has been about understanding that grace covers our decisions about our bodies and our sexuality. I abstained from partnered sexual activity until age twenty-seven and from penetrative sex until I…
Deconstruction Can be Painful
Dear God, This deconstruction business can be so painful! I miss you so much it hurts. It feels like I’m losing my best friend. Or I’ve lost a massive part of myself. There are gigantic…
Deconstructing and Reconstructing Worship
I’ve been thinking a lot about both music in general and worship music specifically. I’m a musician. I sing. I play piano. I have written a lot of songs, chord charts and lyrics and lyric-less…
Angels and Demons
Do you believe in angels and demons?What do you believe about them?Has that belief evolved? I really want to hear your stories as well because I think this helps me make sense of how and…
Speaking in Tongues: Is it Legitimate?
One fateful night, when I was fourteen, my family visited the Pentecostal church affiliated with “Christian school.” The preacher that night invited people to come down the front and receive the “baptism of the Holy…
Did I find God at Wild Goose Festival 2023?
Yes and no—as is so often the answer to most questions lol. I found people at Wild Goose. People who mostly believe in the divine, who have diverse opinions and interpretations of the Spirit—the goose….
My Deconstruction Journey
Deconstruction has perhaps accelerated in recent years, but I suspect that deconstruction is part of the evolutionary / biological process of the human species. We tend to evolve to new understandings, new ways of looking…
Contemplating Easter
I have been contemplating my past and present concepts of Easter and would like to share a blogpost that simply poured out of me this week: As a young Evangelical child, I was taught that…
Reconstructing the Eternality of hell
The phrase His love endures forever is repeated 26 times in Psalm 136 (NIV) alone. Other translations use phrases like his mercy endures forever (NKJV); his faithful love endures forever (NLT); his steadfast love endures…
Reconstructing the Fire of hell
I tend to think there are two stages of hell—just as the fire of Gehenna and the lake of fire do not really sounds like they are doing the same things or even necessarily in…
The Fire of hell
What is hellfire? The expression “burn in hell” comes from multiple places in the Bible. There are references to the “Lake of fire” in the book of Revelation, the “fire of Gehenna” which is translated…
Hell is like Pruning
Is hell punishment? It depends on your definition of punishment. I would argue that hell is not retributive punishment, it is discipline, pruning or a type of punishment / justice that leads to rehabilitation and…
Hell is not Separation
Is hell separation from God? Emphatically, NO! This is yet another downfall in the traditional concept of hell. I have been told all my life that hell is separation from God—even more than I was…
The Eternality of hell
Is hell eternal? Again, the answer is yes and no. One of the most threatening verses in the Bible (at least it was, for me), is 2 Thessalonians 1:9 NIV They will be punished with…
The Justice of hell
The Justice of hell Is hell just? Yes and no. Ultimately, the answer is entirely dependent upon one’s definitions of hell, eternity, and justice. The traditional concept of hell—as eternal conscious torment, endless separation from…
Love and hell are Incompatible
If you believe that we are all “born into sin,” and deserve to go to traditional hell, then you have no other choice but to believe that every child who dies without a relationship with…
Fear of Insignificance
At 4am this morning I had the profound revelation that I am deeply afraid of my own insignificance. I am almost 40 years old, and when I was 17 – my last year of high…
Formed by Sexual Trauma
I wrote my first rape novel when I was about 16yrs old. It was my unconscious way of processing and coping with sexual trauma. I wasn’t aware that I was molested as a toddler, but…