By Cassandra Alane
This book lives up to its name! It is a beautiful light in the world, particular for those who have suffered from an eating disorder or who know someone suffering from an eating disorder.
The book begins as a memoir of Cassie’s life experiences particularly focusing on anorexia. She shares about her family relationships, eating and exercise habits, hospital stays, her relationship with God and the intervention she experienced from the Holy Spirit. She elaborates on the lengthy process of recovery, and all that it takes to retrain one’s mind and body to support and embrace healing and health.
The second part of the book, gives some helpful, practical advice for people wishing to support friends and family members with eating disorders. She delves further into her experiences and quotes from her journals. Cassandra emphasizes spirituality and how we as human beings often need strength from an external source, not just ourselves in the healing process. Cassie is a Christian, but does not assume everyone will believe the same things, she simply shares what worked for her and gives suggestions to encourage others to reach out to a spiritual source of help alongside medical treatment, therapy, and community support etc.
Cassandra had done an amazing job sharing her story. She is deeply honest and wants to share the healing she has experienced. While I may struggle with certain aspects of her beliefs, I feel her book has the power to nourish other suffering souls, offer hope, and shine “beautiful light” for those with eating disorders and their loved ones!