I attended a Pentecostal church for my nephew and niece’s dedication today. I was out of the room for most of the sermon (looking after my kids) but I heard the pastor say something about how scientists think God doesn’t exist because of the Big Bang and evolution.
I have a really big problem with people setting God and science up as though they are incompatible. Science doesn’t prove God doesn’t exist and God’s existence also doesn’t prove science to be wrong, or rather, what the Bible says is not evidence that science gets things wrong.
I don’t believe the Bible is scientifically accurate. I don’t read it as a scientific textbook. And the problem with presenting God and science as incompatible or as though you can only have one and not the other, means that when science proves the Bible wrong, it gives people a lot more reasons to doubt, question, or reject the existence of God.
Yes I believe we should question both our God concept and our scientific concepts. But one doesn’t void the other. If you chose to reject God, don’t let it be because science and the Bible disagree. Our scientific reason and logic, our math etc don’t have to add up to “no God.”
We have to allow room for the writers of the Bible to be scientifically incorrect. The writers indicate a flat earth, but science says otherwise. Logically we understand that the Bible is scientifically “wrong.” That doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist or the Bible is useless. The Bible has value for other reasons.
You do not have to believe in a flat earth to be a Christian.
You do not have to reject evolution to believe in God.
You do not have to reject the Big Bang or embrace a literal 7 day creation.
Science and God don’t have to disprove each other or void each other out!!!
You are allowed to embrace science and God.
You are allowed to reject the “science” of the Bible as proven inaccurate and embrace other aspects of the Bible is valuable at the same time.
Setting it up as though people can only do one or the other, is really infuriating! It only pushes intelligent people further away from God.
It is unhelpful, illogical, and idiosyncratic to say that we must embrace “God’s truth” over and above “scientific truth.” As far as I am concerned, whatever science proves true, IS God’s truth. Mind you, I fully understand that science is not infallible. We might embrace something as truth today and reject is as fallible tomorrow. The same is true with God.
We are trying to figure God and creation out. We don’t have to choose one over the other!!!!!
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