Born and raised in Australia, we didn’t exactly have American history classes in Australian school. We had Australian history and basic world history education. I was aware of the Civil Rights Movement here in the States, while growing up in Australia, but I admired MLK from afar, just …
Emotional Personal Blogs
A Letter to my Mother on her Birthday
Dear Mum,
When are you hopping on a plane and coming for a visit? The kids miss you and so do I. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a cold Christmas for once? Maybe if you came for Christmas, God would pull one out of his back pocket and …
We need Empathy informed Ethics
I’m super curious, what do you believe about “right” and “wrong” on your deconstruction journey?
I grew up deeply concerned about reading the Bible every day, not swearing, abstaining from sex, being polite and kind - doing unto others as I would have them do unto me. …
Love has no Enemies
Jesus challenged people to love their enemies. I now interpret this as Jesus telling us to stop seeing others as our enemies.
If you’re a Democrat, the Republicans are not your enemies.
If you’re a Republican, the Democrats are not your …
Love trumps the Bible
Even though I respect the Bible, I believe that love trumps the Bible:
As a teenager, there were other Christians in my life pointing out that Jonah is an allegory, there was no person literally swallowed by a big fish and surviving in its belly for three days. A …